a. This map illustrates the online flow of information throughout the world. Parallels can be seen to global shipping routes. Unfortunately, China is not represented as little is known about their bandwidth usage, since they are behind the Great Firewall.
a. This map show specific undersea cables that transfer information worldwide.
3. Western US Transpacific Cable Landing Points
a. The closest terminal to us is in Point Arena, CA, where several cables land from Japan, British Columbia and Hawaii.
4. Three Divers Caught Sabotaging Egyptian Undersea Cable
a. Unclear why, but an insight into systemic vulnerabilities.
a. A short summary of the history of the Great Firewall and an introduction to methods of state censorship and control of information online.
Server Farms
1. Google Server Farm Containers (video)
a. A look inside one of Google’s data centers that uses shipping containers to house modular units.
2. Google Data Center overview
a. A summary of Google’s data centers.
3. What is Google doing with all its bandwidth and data? a. A short article speculating on ways Google might use its capacity